We started the fabrication of a new prototype,the low wing high performance aircraft
F109. It's a classic all metal 2 place,with some distinct characteristics:
- compound wing planform, having a very efficient laminar airfoil.
- the main wing spar placed behind pilots seats,for good view when landing or
take-off - sailplane-style wings joining inside fuselage,for 5min. assembly time - slotted flaps
- differential ailerons,mixed with the flaps at take-off and landing - one-piece stabilator,with antiflettner
and electric trimmer - fuel tank in fuselage behind the pilots, for quick and easy refill - adjustable rudder
pedals - wide cabin for large people - 1.30m
As EASA is preparing the
ELA regulation ,inspired from the American LSA, we will produce two versions : European ultralight ULM (450 kg.MTOW) and
European Light Aircraft ELA (600 kg.MTOW)
Data - Performance
ULM Version: Max
take-off weight : 450 Kg (992 lb) Empty weight : 275 Kg (605 lb) Stall speed with flaps : 65 Km/h (40 Mph) Cruise
speed : 235 Km/h (146 Mph) Max.horizontal speed : 260 Km/h (162 Mph) Vertical speed : 6.5 m/sec ( 1280 ft/min) Max.flight
distance with 2 pilots : 1200 Km (748 Miles) Engine : Rotax 912 100HP
LSA-ELA Version
Max.take-off weight : 600 Kg (1320 lb) Empty weight : 310 Kg (680 lb) Stall speed with flaps
: 72 Km/h (45 Mph) Cruise speed : 240 Km/h (150 Mph) Max.horizontal speed : 270 Km/h (168 Mph) Vertical speed
: 5 m/sec (985 ft/min) Max. flight distance with 2 pilots : 1450 Km (900 Miles) Engine :Rotax 912 100HP